Written New Year's Eve 2010 by Terri Rimmer (sent to family and friends)

You know how New Year's Eve is always tough for me because of my Dad's death? Well, tonight I went to the chapel at Baylor All Saint's downtown for the first time.  The chapel is really tiny. I had never been in it. I walked in and saw writings from Psalsms on the walls and started getting emotional. I went up to the little alter and knelt and prayed and started crying. I also picked up a lot of good literature from there.
I dropped off the stuff at the ICU waiting room there at the same hospital like I did last year in Dad's memory - books, magazines; etc. for people to read. 
Then on the way home I was behind a bus that had a huge ad on the back that read "What if there really IS a God?"
Weird, huh?  

Terri Rimmer


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