How I Became a Cat Lady
Terri Rimmer
been diagnosed many things but the nickname I hate the most - “Crazy
Cat Lady,” - is not one of them, though my neighbors would beg to
enough when I was in my 20s and writing for a small town newspaper,
The Camden County Tribune, they published a column I wrote about what
different lives my sister and I lead. She’s a therapist and I was
the creative type, she was a neatnik and I was messy. But I also
addressed the fear that I would one day grow up and be like the crazy
cat lady who lived across the street from my mom and step dad at the
this woman was not a Crazy Cat Lady. She was unmarried, morbidly
obese, worked, single, and had two cats. But in that neighborhood
there were no feral cats. You might run across a stray once in a blue
moon and if one had darkened her garage door she probably would’ve
fed it but no one in the 80s would’ve said a word.
was a different time.
fear of becoming the Crazy Cat Lady wound up being unfounded, so I
thought, as I met and married my husband and later had a daughter,
though my husband and I eventually divorced.
a year before my boyfriend was diagnosed with cancer, although I’d
always had a cat of my own, a stray cat named Gypsy showed up. I
named her that because she was homeless, like a gypsy. Someone once
told me once you name them, they’re yours but I knew I couldn’t
keep her because I couldn’t afford to feed both cats, my indoor
cat, Chaplin and my dog, Ripley.
died only two months after being diagnosed with cancer and more cats
showed up. I went to great lengths to not only make sure they had
enough food and water but from October through April every year to
make sure they had enough shelter. This involved spending tons of
time building shelters of blankets, towels, forts from all kinds of
materials, boxes, bags, baskets, stuff people would throw out that
would make deep beds like suitcases; anything like that.
stores got tired of me asking for boxes eventually.
time I had extra money I was buying blankets for the cats. I went
through three comforters to keep them warm from ice storms which
eventually got ruined from the weather and disintegrated I hurt
myself dragging van seats, heavy furniture, some of my own furniture
I was no longer using, and even pulling out dresser drawers to keep
them warm from the brutal winter.
when it gets so cold there’s nothing else you can do but pray.
was always relieved when spring would come and I could take it all
then summer would come and there was nothing I could do to keep the
cats cool except offer them ice in big bowls which the kittens
thought were toys and would bat around.
many prayers were said over these guys.
people offered to help me find them homes.
of over 25 cats only two found homes since 2004.
month I faced my biggest fight regarding the cats yet.
new neighbors called Code Compliance twice and I was being forced to
turn one cat over a day to the Humane Society or I’ll be fined
$2,000 per cat. I was not allowed to do TNR because the neighbors
wanted them completely gone due to the cats pooping in their flower
kitten died on my porch recently and I took the first cat into the
Humane Society who told me that most ferals are put to sleep.
was only ten months old and black, the least adoptable color.
always been sensitive when it comes to animals and my daughter is,
goes back to when I was ten and my father abruptly told me were were
taking our female cat, Tigger and her kittens somewhere.
loaded us in the car with no explanation and stopped the car at this
apartment complex parking lot, ordering me to get the mama cat and
kittens and put them out.
felt like my heart and guts were caving in but I did it as I begged
him not to make me, crying hysterically.
was not moved in the least by my tears or emotions.
we backed out of the complex, he simply said, “They’ll be all
right. Someone will get them.”
cried all the way home.
memory still haunts me though I’d actually forgotten about it till
last year.
blunt force of it came to the surface again recently when a kitten I
was taking care of died on my front porch because Code Compliance
ordered me to stop feeding her or I’d be fined.
just like my dad, the old adage of: “Someone else will feed them.
Someone else will come along” is simply not true.
baby cat was used to me feeding her several times a day.
just like how we do with people: “Oh, someone will take care of
them. Someone else will do it.”
told me “You’re stronger than you think you are.”
if I get strong enough to watch a cat die every day and be okay with
it, I never want to be that strong.
would make me a sociopath.
believe we are put on this earth to take care of God’s creatures.
wouldn’t we be?
in the last month things have taken a turn because I have gotten
involved in TNR and my eyes that were once closed are now open.
is hard work but very rewarding and I have gone from “I can’t”
to “I will.”
have the Panther City Feral Cat Coalition to thank for that.
I am
indebted to them for helping me to overcome my obstacle of moving
past what I thought was impossible and that was that there was no
hope for me or the cats.
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