My Birth Daughter's Eighth Birthday Letter by Terri Rimmer - originally published on Yahoo Voices, 2008

Aug. 3, 2008

Dear McKenna:

Every year when I write your birthday letter I always try to come up with new, fresh things that will mean something to you.

Of course your birthday isn’t till the 15th but one day you will know this about me – I like to get a jump on things.

Right now, though you’re only turning eight so you don’t know such adult things .

At the risk of sounding like a broken record, I can’t believe you are going to be eight. I marvel that it is has been eight years that I have been given the gift of you and seeing you grow, experience life, and take delight in your surroundings like you do.

From playing soccer to being a diehard Hannah Montana fan, you light up a room to me and every time I see you it’s like opening a present on Christmas Day.

In the Bible it says that God delights in us and that is how I feel about you.

I want the best for you. Every time I see you, you nurture the spirit in me. You have already become such a special person as you were the day you were born.

Sometimes when I can’t sleep at night I lay awake and think about you and during the day I wonder what you’re doing at the moment.

Often I picture you swimming, playing with your best friend Mia, playing in your room, reading; etc. I know that you are reading two grade levels above your age group. You are so smart!

Vicki, your adoptive mom, tells me that she can tell you ten things to do to get ready each day and you remember them all the first time told. What a memory you have.

You are like a shining star lighting up a night sky, making the darkness come to life, bringing such happiness.

When I was pregnant with you I made you a scrapbook that I gave to Vicki on Placement Day to give to you one day. I wanted it to be full of all the things and spirit of what I would hope for you in your life. Hopefully I accomplished that.

Now, ironically, it is you who embody the spirit of the scrapbook I made for you, in your smile, spirit, personality, playfulness.

When I found out I was having a girl when I was pregnant I was so touched. I always wanted a daughter.

I hope you have a fantastic birthday. I also had a skating party for my seventh or eighth birthday just as you are having in a couple of weeks. I know that yours will be as fun as mine was. I used to love to skate and skate. So much fun.

I love you, my little one.




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