Published Letter in Fort Worth Weekly - May 2010
Unhealthy Costs
Posted May 26, 2010 by John Q. Public in News
To the editor: Fort Worth Weekly’s recent cover story, “The Cost of Staying Alive” (May 5, 2010), showed the true picture of the healthcare reform and really hit home for me.
My asthma inhaler is $84, even with Medicare, so I have to get samples from the doctor, but there are limits to that too. Now I’ve read that a lot of doctors like mine are jumping ship and will no longer accept Medicare due to the health reform bill.
Then there is my 9-year-old daughter, whom I had to place for adoption because I couldn’t take care of her. She’s had a feeding tube since she was two years old, due to food aversion, but the insurance company won’t cover her dental expenses though they are directly related to her medical condition.
Luckily her adoptive parents are both nurses, but even they struggle sometimes with the costs related to her care.
Thank you for letting others see through a child’s and parent’s eyes what it’s really like to have to live life precariously.
Terri Rimmer