Annual Birthday Letter to My Birth Daughter by Terri Rimmer

August 14, 2014

Dear McKenna:

It's something – you're going to be 14 tomorrow and it is time once again for your annual birthday letter.

I just found out you've outgrown Chuck E. Cheese and now prefer the mall though you are NOT a shopper. Neither one of us got that shopper gene.

I loved getting your recent pictures from Jamaica. In some of your pictures you look just like my sister Cindy when she was your age. It's uncanny.

As usual, I've been pondering what to say in your annual letter. Tomorrow I'll make the annual trip to the park to honor your birthday.

This year's been a blessed one as it always is when I get to see you.

Being with you is like being free, all my troubles just seem to melt away. It's great to see the world through your eyes – dancing, innocent, stars, shining, possibilities endless, unhurt, hopeful.

For my 14th birthday I got a skating party which was a blast. It was a total surprise. I got home from school and some friends were sitting on the couch waiting for me. I just loved to skate! I had one friend spend the night. During that same month, earlier in the month, my best friend Cheryl and I walked 20 miles in the Walk-A-Thon for the March of Dimes. We raised a lot of money.

You put so much dedication into everything you do. I'm so impressed. You've always done that. I don't know how you do it but you give your all and then some.

Never regret following your heart or your dreams, something no one can take away from you. Continue putting your all into everything you do. It's hard sometimes, especially when you're tired or have had a bad day. Sometimes you get lucky and you may be having a bad day then something cool happens like the day I found out you were 77 lbs. now and I got to see fireworks all the way to my pet sitting job while driving in my car. It was like my own little celebration even though I had nothing to do with it. Sometimes unexpected neat things like that happen and it just makes you appreciate the night even more.

As you get older, you'll meet the coolest, inspirational people. I knew a man who had been through a lot but came out the other side and became an award-winning journalist. He used to say, “Happy Tuesday!” which I thought was weird but sometimes I think about him and I think that phrase to myself on a Tuesday. He got to write the most interesting stories for the local paper.

I was so excited for you this year that you got to volunteer at the zoo! I did it once in my 20s briefly in Florida. I handled the reptiles and even got to have a boa constrictor around my neck.

You are such an adventurer and I'm so glad you love kids! I can see your are a natural and that makes me happy.

One thing I've learned is that even if you have a bad day, the next day you could have a great day. It might be the best day of your life.

So, you gotta stick around to see what happens because it could be the day you conquer a life-long obstacle or the day you find out you got accepted into your dream college.

Happy Birthday and I hope it's a great one!

Love, Terri


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