Part 2 of Adoption Journal by Terri Rimmer - originally published on - 2001

Scrapbooks and sonograms
I'm excited to work on the scrapbook for you! My suite mate's making hers kid friendly. My stomach's feeling tighter. A friend of mine advised me to use cocoa butter everywhere to prevent stretch marks. I start prenatal classes in June. They throw birth moms a placement party here whenever they place.
My belly hurts all the time now. My niece is due in June, her first also. We got another new resident.
Another girl went into labor at 3 a.m. and had a baby girl. I got the scrapbook for you!
I had such a powerful craving for pizza tonight but I resisted. I talked to my AA sponsor. I got to see my dog yesterday. It's hard to leave him. I'm seeing him again tomorrow. I got a box of maternity clothes from my sister, your Aunt Cindy.
My suite mate had a 3 lb., 10 oz. girl. She's on a respirator. She was two months premature. I'm anxious to pick out my APs. I'm getting attached to you but haven't changed my mind, though I wish things could be different.
I'm in a depression again about the adoption. I dreamed last night I found a family after going through a bunch of profiles. I saw my AA sponsor tonight. They took my suite mate's baby off the ventilator and she's doing better.
I took my suite mate to see her baby. She's down to just an IV now and is starting to suck. I could watch her all day. She's so cute when she raises her eyebrows and stretches her legs. She lay on her stomach. She's got good color now. I wondered what you would look like. I'd love to give you the world.
I saw the doctor and got to listen to your heartbeat again. In four days I find out your sex. I'm so excited! I got sad later and talked to my caseworker.


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