My Birth Daughter's Sixth Annual Birthday Letter - originally published on Associated Content, 2006

August 15, 2006
Dear McKenna:
It's time for your annual birthday letter again.
It's hard to believe you are six today.
I look at you and see what I really was - the childhood spirit in me.
One day when you read this, you'll see.
Now I marvel at the child that you have become, seeing in you possibility and love, things previously unseen.
As I write this I know you have had a health problem and continue to but I am at peace knowing you are in good hands.
As you grow it's exciting to see what you are becoming and what you will be.
Every time I show off a picture of you to my friends they always exclaim about your beauty and are in awe of our life together.
Inside of you are gifts which you will discover as you get older.
The possibilities are endless.
Through the years I have been gifted with getting to see you change, learn, and become the special spirit you are.
I love you more than I can explain.
When you become a mom one day you will see what I mean.
From the day you were born until now you have held a special place in my heart, one that is irreplaceable and a miracle.
At the age you are now you call full moons "whole moons" and every time I see one I think of you at that time, too.
After our visits I always reflect back on our time, seeing your smiling, animated, and playful face, wondering how you're doing, praying for you always.
You are special and there is no one else like you and never will be.
I am blessed to know you, to have you in my heart and in my life.
Happy Birthday, my little miracle, my tiny joy.
I love you,


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