My Birth Daughter's Annual Thanksgiving Letter by Terri Rimmer

Nov. 4, 2017

Dear McKenna:

How is it possible that it’s time for your annual Thanksgiving letter again?

What a year it has been!

You continue to amaze me all the time and as every year passes I am in wonder of all that you are and do.

Seeing you grow up as been the best gift and something I never thought I would get to have.

You have such a dedication to the band and I don’t know how you do it all but I admire your persistence and how you push yourself.

You have never let anything stop you in your life, no matter the obstacle and that is one of the many things I love about you.

I also love seeing you dance, your sense of humor, smile, spirit, creativity, intuition, and courage.

It’s hard for me not to tear up as I write this because the pride is strong when I think of you.

I’m glad you know what you want to do in life as I did.

In Nov. 1983 when I was 17, also your age, I can remember banging out stories and poems on the fire engine red electric typewriter someone gave me in the back bedroom and how I got such a thrill out of it while balancing on this tall stool.

That must be what it’s like for you with your music and dance.

I can tell when you play and dance that you put your soul into it, that your spirit is alive when you do it.

I hope, no matter what you do in life that you are happy doing it.

That is the most important thing.

I always want you to be happy doing what you love.

Sometimes I lay in bed at night and I flash back to when you were a baby or a little girl. Sometimes I flash forward and think about you graduating from college and working.

I think about how many memories we’ve made and all the things your family has exposed you to; all the treasures they’ve gifted you with that I could not that you will carry with you the rest of your life. The intangible things like patience, lessons learned, tools, skills, and other things that you will be able to teach your child.

I’m so grateful that you have been raised in a family that has given you such a good start and all the opportunities you need.
I thank God every day that you are taken care of, nurtured, cherished, and loved.

And I have never and will never stop loving you.

Love, Terri


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