Thoughts on Orlando Shooting

I'm going to say this and I don't care who unfriends me or who doesn't like it. In light of the Orlando shooting, I feel compelled to post this. I have 2 relatives who are gay. Nothing makes me sicker than to see some of my friends, long-time and short-term, and relatives say things like "God has a reason for things" in terms of what has happened. You are talking about people who I love. God did not do this. A sicko did this. It hurts my heart and makes me want to cry in sorrow. In 1998 I was with a gay person in a parking lot. Her neighbor knew she was gay and came at us with a broken off beer bottle. I was so scared. She told me to go in the house but I said, "I'm not leaving you." That was just a taste. She told me, "Terri I've been going through this all my life." He terrorized her all the time.
So, don't tell me what happened in Orlando was God's will. Or that every time a gay person is hurt or is threatened that God had a hand in it.
Just don't.
Terri Rimmer


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