Bucket List - Terri Rimmer

Finish making amends
See McKenna get married and have a child
Taking flying lessons and get my pilot's license
Go to Europe, Italy, Australia, Greece, Holland, Mexico
See the world
Take belly dancing

Go to the Olympics
Take horseback riding lessons
Get a horse
Lose weight for good and keep it off
Put in an in-ground pool and get a deck built
Hang glide
Maybe remarry
Give to more charities
Start a birth mom magazine
Take photography lessons
Take salsa lessons
Get a camcorder
Transfer videos to DVDs
See Bruce Springsteen, Bonnie Raitt, The Stones, Fleetwood Mac, and Sarah McLachlan in concert
See Sheryl Crowe in concert
Learn to speak Italian
Get my asthma under control
Learn to play the piano and guitar
Overcome my fears
Be able to pay my bills
Keep money in the bank
Get a boat
Overcome some things
Overcome the past
Learn to meditate and do it daily
Get another bike and ride regularly
Go to 90 in 90
Be cured of my allergies
Go through female fitness boot camp
Finish remodeling the house
Go on a cruise
Get a hammock, a Ping Pong table, air hockey table, and a trampoline
Start roller skating again
Not have to take any medications for asthma; etc.
Be debt-free
Jet skiing
Water skiing
Snow skiing


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