Letter To My Birth Daughter's Adoptive Brother Who Turned 18 Yesterday by Terri Rimmer

Jan. 16, 2015

Dear Bryant:

I know I've never written you a letter before.

But you turned 18 today and I wanted to say a few words.

When I met you in June 2000 with your parents you were two years old in a car seat sucking on a bottle and I remember thinking, "That's the calmest toddler I ever met."

We ate at a Mexican restaurant your parents liked and you quietly banged some spoons on the table while your mom told me how your biological dad was a musician. Both your parents were engaged with you at the dinner table and that made me feel good for you and for you sister's future.

When I saw you again you were at Placement Day where McKenna would go home with you and your family. Your family minister was showing you how to feed the ducks to distract you from the formalities of the ceremony. You really wanted to feed those ducks!

I watched you grow in rare visits, but many photos, videos, and stories from your mom.

I remember one time when you were little you were telling me this story and were so excited but your voice was very soft and it was so adorable.

I also remember before I even met you how your parents told me about how the family dogs were very protective of you.

I watched you grow through the years and saw through pictures of
you obtain your various belts in Tae Kwon Doe, got to see you interact with McKenna, and I knew you cared about her. Your parents taught you to love her before she was ever born.

I'm saying all this to tell you that I will always be there for you no matter what, good or bad. No matter what you go through. I know you have a huge support system but you can add my name, too.

If you ever need anything or even if you just want to talk, you can reach out to me.

I know we've never had a bond but I have always cared about you. I might not have been able to get you nice things but I talk about you to all my friends and family and I'm proud of you.

I'm excited to see where life will take you next.




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