Dental Pain and Sobriety

I have two teeth that need to be pulled and can't afford to go to the dentist.
I have gone through dental hell before - for two years - and almost drank over it.
But I didn't.
Then it went away, of course, after I got dental care.
Now it's back.
But this weekend I actually went so far as to PRICE the wine and not just look at it.
It didn't help that there were two people in front of me in line on two different occasions Saturday actually buying wine.
I've been taking Naproxen as prescribed (on the bottle) and 500 mgs. of Ibuprofen every four hours, even got on my knees and prayed.
Getting on my knees and praying always worked before.
Not last night.
Bitterly I said aloud to my Higher Power in the car, "Okay, fine, I deserve that. I've got bad karma. I've got it coming."
Then, "So, you're just gonna hang me out to dry on this one, eh?"
Then the pain went away.
Then it came back.
My mom emailed me some resources today which I hope to God come through.
The pain is back as I type this.
Of course, in the program they always say think the drink through.
And I did that yesterday and last night.
The bitch was I had to work through all this pain all weekend, day and night.
I couldn't wait to get home every night all weekend so I could take my nighttime meds plus the Naproxen and Ibuprofen. I figured out that the mix of my nighttime meds and the Naproxen and Ibuprofen helped. The problem is I can't take my nighttime meds during the day.
So in the day time I have to suffer.
All damn day.
It's like a chainsaw sawing through your mouth.
I passed a church sign that read "O God Have Mercy on Me."
How apropo, I thought, as I drove home from work.
There's nothing worse than dental pain.
It makes you want to kill somebody.
Had to buy more mouthwash.
They don't have any with alcohol.
That's right, I was looking.
I didn't even care or counted it if it had alcohol.
Of course, I didn't find any that did.
Today I emailed friends and family and asked them to pray for me.
If these resources don't work out I don't know what I'll do.
I was remembering this sadist dentist I had a few years ago at this low-cost clinic the last time I got services.
He refused to completely numb my mouth when he did the work and I was crying.
He better not still be there.
That particular clinic rotated their dentists every so often.
I hated him.
There is nothing like dental pain to truly test your sobriety.
Among other things.
But that's at the top of the list in my opinion.
And in my experience.  


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