
Showing posts from November, 2016

My Birth Daughter's Annual Thanksgiving Letter by Terri Rimmer

November 23, 2016 Dear McKenna, Yes, we're on your 16 th annual Thanksgiving letter. There are many things I'm thankful for this year and you are at the top of my list. I made a gratitude list in my head yesterday and, of course, I couldn't help but think of you as I do every day. When people find out about my adoption choice, they always ask questions, which to me are silly, but I guess to them are not. Things like: Do I love you? Do I think about you? And, you know the answers to both of these questions is “Absolutely.” It's been a good year. You are my inspiration, my muse, my heart. I love your sense of humor, what makes you you, everything about you. Most of all I love that you have had such a great life and you have a wonderful life ahead of you. I'm so glad that Vicki and Larry are raising you. It has always comforted me. I always love hearing about the things you are doing, funny thing...

Don't Text and Drive - Terri Rimmer

Remember my friend from college whose teenage daughter was in a bad wreck from texting and driving a month ago? Well, she got out of the hospital. They sent her home with a wheelchair and a walker and she'll be going through physical therapy. My friend wanted me to spread the word via a pic of the car and get the message out about not texting and driving. The police said her daughter was lucky to be alive.