McKenna's Annual Christmas Letter

Christmas Eve 2013 Dear McKenna: Time for your annual Christmas letter again and sorry it is so late. I actually started this letter December 22, the day I got to see you again. It had been since July when I'd seen you last. The time always drags in between visits for me because I miss you so much and I cherish the time I have with you. This recent visit marked the first time I'd been able to see you at the holidays. I've always dreamed and wished I'd get to see you around Christmas but never thought the day would come since I always see you at other times of the year. Every year at this time it's the only thing I want for Christmas – to see you. You have gotten taller each time I see you and this year you had two growth spurts, one of which made me cry with joy, sitting in the living room, thanking God over and over. I never thought that would happen either. God is good! You remind me a lot of my sister Cindy in that you don't g...