
Showing posts from June, 2013


You know the saying, "In a New York minute, everything can change?" Well, I had one of those moments yesterday, thank God! After getting such bad news the day before, which I wrote about here, I get a phone call from my psychiatrist's office while in the middle of working telling me that he's going to keep a handful of patients - and I'm one of them. I was stunned, shocked, thrilled - all of the above. I couldn't believe it! These things never happen to me. I called my sister later and asked her if she called him or something. Nope, she said. Just talked to God. I still don't know if my therapist put in a word for me. All I know was the rest of the day seemed to effortlessly go by, which is NEVER the case, even with my heel spur, which I've been contending with for years. Nothing seemed to bother me, like when I got on my first anti-depressant. Turned my whole day around. I wasn't alone any more. I was back in the safe zone. T...