
Showing posts from January, 2013

Garden Variety Drunks

It seems my fifth medication I'm on in addition to my other four isn't working any more after a month. Well, that was a fun ride. My sponsor says I'm just a garden variety drunk but to me a garden variety drunk is one who quits drinking and that's their only problem. They don't have to be on meds. Their only problem is not drinking. I'd kill to just be one of those. But that was never the case with me. I've give anything to not have nightmares every night, some about my deceased dad who still haunts me from the grave, who got away with abusing me and my sisters all his life. Who never paid in this life. Instead we paid. And paid dearly. One of my nieces paid, too. And is still paying. I wish I could exhume my dad, then bring him back to life so I could kill him. Instead five strokes killed him. But he didn't suffer. I know because I asked some doctors if a stroke is painful. And it's not. He never suffered. Oh, he had some depression in...

Hard Decisions in Sobriety


How to Spot a Con Artist

I actually met this guy in the program. I've met quite a few cons in AA.

My Psychology Today Interview - 2010


Triumph - Originally published several years ago


More of my published work; etc.


More of my articles


Stark Raving Sober.

1988 Justine’s therapist once told her, “You sure know some interesting people.” It wasn’t a compliment. It was Oct. 20, 1988; Justine’s last planned drunk, the night before she was going into treatment for the first time for alcoholism at 22. Twenty-two. That was way too young, she thought. But she was doing it for her sister who was also “in the program” as it was called. So Justine’s last drink was appropriately enough later at a George Michael concert in Atlanta, GA and she didn’t even get to get drunk because she ran out of money. So unfair. Justine’s friends dropped her off after breakfast following the concert where she almost got stampeded back at her garage apartment where she lived alone. The next day she would drive several hours to her sister’s house in Florida where she would spend the night then be taken to Charter-By-The-Sea in St. Simon’s Island, Georgia. Justine loved the beach but dreaded the trip. After trying to get arou...