
Showing posts from August, 2018

My Latest Published Piece with DBSA - by Terri Rimmer;jsessionid=00000000.app204b?NONCE_TOKEN=FE4316B7D6FD93FFA3361E03EB81D33D&NONCE_TOKEN=222F8AB7A37B8B2E82747E975A3487C7&pagename=education_eupdate_2018_october#LU

Placement Adoption Anniversary Month Letter to my Birth Daughter's Adoptive Parents by Terri Rimmer

August 17, 2018 Dear Larry and Vicki: I felt compelled to write this letter to you since McKenna just turned 18 and her Adoption Placement anniversary day is the 24 th . I happened to be in the ER on Larry’s birthday yesterday and witnessed yet another event that made me all the more grateful for the fact that you raised my daughter. As I was laying there waiting to be seen in triage for my knee there was a 13-year-old little girl who was in severe pain on a bed in front of me in the hall who had come in ahead of me with her mom. Except from the time she and her mom came until the point of the transfer to Cooks next door, her mom had no interaction with her whatsoever in the way of comforting her, touching her, telling her it’s going to be okay. I could picture Vicki doing all of these things and I’m about to cry as I write this because I just felt so bad for that child. The nurses were so great and I thought about what great nurses you two are. I could picture ...

My Birth Daughter's Annual Birthday Letter by Terri Rimmer

August 4, 2018 Dear McKenna: I can’t believe I have a birth daughter who’s going to be 18 on August 15 th ! When I think about the year 2000, it really doesn’t seem that long ago. This has been quite a year for you – another incredible dance recital that I got to attend, getting contacts, perseverance that knows no limits, lots of achievements in your life. You continue to amaze and inspire me with your bravery and limitless strength. I’m so glad you got to meet my sister Cindy this year, something I’d dreamed about since the day you were born. She talked to you when she came to visit me one week before I had you. I wanted you two to meet since the day I found out I was pregnant. The other night the movie “Flashdance” was on and if you hadn’t seen it you will probably crack up at the dance moves and 80s cliches. But when it came out the summer I was 17 it was all the rage. It’s about a dancer pursuing her dream. When it was on the other night I thought of y...