
Showing posts from 2015

McKenna's Eating More!

Update on McKenna, my birth daughter, who's been having to use a feeding tube since age 2: "Still eating the centers of oreos, some french fries, whipped topping, hi chews when I can find them ate Walgreens and lays potato chips. All bad for braces, but a girls gotta eat what she can! " - from Vicki, her adoptive mom. (I know it's junk food, I'm just happy she's eating more). ©

Annual Birthday Letter to My Birth Daughter by Terri Rimmer

August 10, 2015 Dear McKenna: So, this year you will celebrate your 15 th birthday on the 15 th , which I just found out is considered your Golden Birthday, a once-in-a-lifetime occasion when you turn the age of your birth date. According to my research, unless a person is born on Leap Year, everyone gets to experience this Golden Birthday at least once in their life. Your Golden Birthday is also referred to as your Lucky, Grand, or Star Birthday. You can celebrate your Golden Birthday with lots of gold using gold ribbons and gold stars and lots of glitter. You could put together a time capsule of your 15 th Golden Birthday to be opened in ten years. It'd be interesting to see what you put in and look at when you're 25. I copied the meaning of the number 15 for you from the Internet which comes from the Bible that you can draw strength upon for when you struggle: The Meaning of Numbers: The Number 15 The number 15 in the Bible pictures rest...